
Below is a table of all the productions presented by Second Thoughts Drama Group since its inception in 1984.  You can search this by year, title or author.

Year of ProductionPlayAuthor
2024The Birthday PartyHarold Pinter
2024Twelfth NightWilliam Shakespeare
2024The Real Inspector HoundTom Stoppart
2024A Separate PeaceTom Stoppard
2023Blithe SpiritNoël Coward
2023Entertaining AngelsRichard Everett
2023Wind of ChangeAngela Dandy
2023Arms and the ManGeorge Bernard Shaw
2022Under Milk WoodDylan Thomas
2022Heaven on EarthNoel Dollimore
2022Improbable FictionAlan Ayckbourn
The Woman in WhiteWilkie Collins, Constance Cox
2021The Shakespeare RevueChristopher Luscombe and Malcolm McKee
2020A Midsummer Night's DreamWilliam Shakespeare
2019A Chorus of DisapprovalAlan Ayckbourn
2019Wherefore Art Thou Lady MacbethMargot McLeary
2019SupersnoutJane Cafarella
2019Whisking EggsJackie Lines
2019Little WomenLouisa May Alcott adapted Emma Reeves
2018Time MasonsBernard Hall
2018Whisking EggsJackie Lines
2018Much Ado About NothingWilliam Shakespeare
2018A Bunch of AmateursIan Hislop & Nick Newman
2017Into the SilenceNoel Dollimore
2017The Winter's TaleWilliam Shakespeare
2017Time and the ConwaysJ B Priestley
2016Bedroom FarceAlan Ayckbourn
2016Daisy Pulls It OffDenise Deegan
2016Private LivesNoel Coward
2015Cyrano de BergeracEdmund Rostand
2015Sparrows in a HatSteve Farr
2015The Thrill of LoveAmanda Whittington
2015LoveplayMoira Buffini
2014ShadowlandsWilliam Nicholson
2014Deep Blue SeaTerence Rattigan
2013Calendar GirlsTim Firth
2013All My SonsArthur Miller
2012A Man for All SeasonsRobert Bolt
2012ShakersJohn Godber & Jane Thornton
2012ConfusionsAlan Ayckbourn
2011Waiting for GodotSamuel Beckett
2011Cider with RosieLaurie Lee
2011LootJoe Orton
2010Taking StepsAlan Ayckbourn
2010She Stoops to ConquerOliver Goldsmith
2010BetrayalHarold Pinter
2009A Streetcar Named DesireTennessee Williams
2009The Beaux StratagemGeorge Farquhar
2009Last of the Red Hot LoversNeil Simon
2008Under Milk WoodDylan Thomas
2008The Winter's TaleWilliam Shakespeare
2008Talking HeadsAlan Bennett
2007An Ideal HusbandOscar Wilde
2007HomeDavid Storey
2007HamletWilliam Shakespeare
2006The Real ThingTom Stoppard
2006The Merchant of VeniceWilliam Shakespeare
2006Hedda GablerHenrik Ibsen
2005Gasmasks & GumptionCurated by Tim Raistrick
2005Dried Fruit from HellSteve Farr
2005Arms and the ManGeorge Bernard Shaw
2005Memory of WaterShelagh Stephenson
20041066 and All ThatW C Sellar and R J Yeatman
2004The TempestWilliam Shakespeare
2004Murmuring JudgesDavid Hare
2003Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are DeadTom Stoppard
2003AntigoneJean Anouilh
2003Passion PlayPeter Nicholls
2002Out for the CountMartin Downing
2002The Importance of Being EarnestOscar Wilde
2002One Flew Over the Cuckoo's NestKen Kesey
2001Playhouse CreaturesApril de Angelis
2001Spoonface SteinbergLee Hall
2001And a Nightingale SangC P Taylor
2000Communicating DoorsAlan Ayckbourn
2000As You Like ItWilliam Shakespeare
2000Our Country's GoodTimberlake Wertenbaker
1999Toad of Toad HallKenneth Grahame
1999Blue Remembered HillsDenis Potter
1998Mary WollstonecraftIan McLean and Phil Trory
1998Much Ado About NothingWilliam Shakespeare
1998Pardoner's TaleGeoffrey Chaucer
1998A Doll's HouseHenrik Ibsen
1997My Mother Said I Never ShouldCharlotte Keatley
1997AmadeusPeter Shaffer
1997Golden Pathway AnnualJohn Burrows
1997Measure for MeasureWilliam Shakespeare
1997The Silver KingHenry Arthur Jones and Henry Herman
1996The CrucibleArthur Miller
1996The Sword and the SorrowCollated by Mairi Macdonald
1996Twelfth NightWilliam Shakespeare
1996Golden Pathway AnnualJohn Burrows
1995Great ExpectationsReg Mitchell
1995Gasmasks and GumptionCurated by Tim Raistrick
1995Letttice and LovagePeter Shaffer
1995Racing DemonDavid Hare
1994George and the DragonTrad. Mummers Play
1994The RoverAphra Behn
1994A Midsummer Night's DreamWilliam Shakespeare
1994Black Comedy/White LiarsPeter Shaffer
1993A Christmas CarolCharles Dickens
1993An Evening of LoveCurated by Estelle Hand
1989Habeas CorpusAlan Bennett
1990Accidental Death of an AnarchistDario Fo
1993An Evening of Chekhov and CoxAnton Chekhov and Constance Cox
1993Arden of FavershamChristopher Marlowe, Thomas Kyd
1992Hobson's ChoiceHarold Brighouse
1992This War without an EnemyCurated by Jeanette Brown Ford
1992AndorraMax Frisch
1991Season's GreetingsAlan Ayckbourn
1991IndiansArthur Kopit
1991Wild OatsJohn O'Keeffe
1990When We are MarriedJ B Priestley
1990The Hollow CrownJohn Barton
1990A Month in the CountryIvan Turgenev
1989St. JoanGeorge Bernard Shaw
1989Abigail's PartyMike Leigh
1988Threepenny OperaBrecht/Weill
1988The Hollow CrownJohn Barton
1988Shadow of a GunmanSeán O'Casey
1988Outside EdgeRichard Harris
1987The Lion in WinterJames Goldman
1986Sweeney ToddChristopher Bond
1986The Dock BriefJohn Mortimer
1986The Dumb WaiterHarold Pinter
1986House of Bernarda AlbaFederico Garcia Lorca
1985CelebrationWillis Hall
1985Triple FreedomSteve Farr
1985Maurice DancingMichael Snelgrove
1985The Real Inspector HoundTom Stoppard
1985Dark of the MoonHoward Richardson & William Berney
1984ConfusionsAlan Ayckbourn